Thank you for visiting our website! We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of content on our website in order to better serve our clients. If you have trouble seeing our website, we recommend reviewing the resources listed below to help optimize your computer and browser to improve your online experience:
  • Increase Text Size
  • Decrease Text Size
  • Grayscale
  • High Contrast
  • Light Background
  • Links Underline
  • Readable Font
  • Reset
These items can all be found in our blue and white “Accessibility Tools” icon on the right side of the page. Below you will find out more about each option.


Increase Text Size

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Increase Text” link and it will automatically increase the text size. This step is repeatable for even greater sizes.

Additionally, you can increase text size in most web browsers simply hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + (plus) key to increase text size.

Decrease Text Size

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Decrease Text” link and it will automatically decrease the text size. This step is repeatable for even smaller sizes.

Additionally, you can decrease text size in most web browsers simply hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the – (minus) key to reduce text size.


In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Grayscale” link and it will automatically change all of the aspects of the site to a grayscale. A second click on the same button will restore the original colors.

High Contrast

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “High Contrast” link and it will automatically change all of the aspects of the site to very high contrast colors. A second click on the same button will restore the original colors.

Light Background

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Light Background” link and it will automatically change the background of the site to white and cause all text to become black. A second click on the same button will restore the site to its original state.

Links Underline

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Underline Links” link and it will automatically change all of the links on the site to an underlined state. A second click on the same button will restore the original state.

Readable Font

In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Readable Font” link and it will automatically change all of the text on the site to a simple font type. A second click on the same button will restore the original state.


In the Accessibility Tools menu to the right you can click on the “Reset” link and it will automatically place the entire site back in its original state, regardless of what Accessibility options were chosen previously.

We welcome any feedback on how to improve the site’s accessibility for all users. It is our goal to develop a website that is accessible to everyone!

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