How to Properly Care for Your New Denture/Partial Dentures

How to Properly Care for Your New Denture/Partial Dentures Just because dentures are not natural teeth […]
Our dentures and partial dentures are made on-site under the direct supervision of our skilled dentist. This means a beautiful smile and a proper fit!
Contact UsWhether you’re considering dentures or partial dentures (or in need of a replacement appliance), at NuLife Dental, we offer several full dentures and partial dentures packages to fit your restoration needs. If you are looking for an experienced Orlando dentures or partial dentures restoration dental office near you, contact our dental office at 407-614-6161. Our team strives to deliver personalized care tailored to your unique needs, starting with dental exams and cleanings, as well as fostering a comfortable and welcoming environment where your dental health is our top priority.
Losing teeth can have a detrimental impact on your wellbeing and on your dietary selection—when you are missing teeth, chewing is difficult.
The good news is that we have an in-house denture laboratory and can fabricate your denture, partial denture, or implant-supported denture right here in our office.
Because we are different than most Orlando dental practices and have our own in-house denture lab, your dentures and denture repairs are completed right in the office.
This means that your Doctor and Lab Technician will work hand in hand with you to craft a smile you can be proud of, with fewer visits and faster turnaround times.
To achieve a natural and comfortable fitting denture you must have quality materials, craftsmanship, and choices for your new smile.
At NuLife Dental we fabricate our dentures in two ways, to ensure quality while maintaining affordability.
All our dentures are made in the office. Our Doctor and Lab technician work hand in hand on each denture to make sure we can bring your ideal smile to reality. Because we make our dentures in office, you will be able to participate in each step of the process giving us your thoughts and choosing what is best for you!
We offer several different options for full dentures and partial dentures. This allows you to choose a smile that fits your personal budget.
If you’re considering removable dentures, you will love the great care you receive with us for your dental needs. The process calls for us to take a mold or impression of your mouth whether you need a complete denture or removable partial denture. This helps us make the perfect denture just for you.
When extractions are needed, you will be fitted for a temporary/healing denture after your dentist performs the necessary extractions. Once all healing is completed, we will begin the we begin the process again for your permanent dentures.
At NuLife Dental, we offer three different styles of complete dentures with varying price points.
Artificial but life-like teeth are planted across a partial denture to fill in for any missing natural teeth. The partial denture then relies on your natural teeth as anchors to keep it in place. The result is a seamless smile.
A partial denture is a good option if you have several missing teeth and simply need to fill in these gaps with restorations.
At NuLife dental we custom design your partial denture specifically for you and, like our full dentures, we create partial dentures right here in our Orlando, FL dental office. Additionally, we have several options to choose from.
Yes, your mouth is always changing, and it is often necessary to have adjustments made to the dentures to maintain the best fit possible. It is important to see your Orlando dentist at least once a year to make sure that the gums remain healthy and that any issues are caught early.
It is very important to make sure that your dentures are cleaned by brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush and soaking each day. This helps to remove any bacteria that might accumulate through eating and use.
It is also important to allow your mouth and gums to breathe, rest, and relax each day. These steps will make sure that the fit of your dentures remains as comfortable as possible and provide your best dental health.
Dentures or Full dentures replace a complete arch of the mouth (Top or Bottom), it replaces all teeth that are necessary to have a healthy, natural, functioning smile and bite.
A Partial Denture replaces one or more teeth but not all in one arch of the mouth (Top or Bottom). Partials usually use remaining natural teeth to provide a secure fit. Partial dentures replace all teeth that are necessary to have a healthy, natural, functioning smile and bite.
Modern dentures and partial dentures are designed to look natural and fit your mouth comfortably, and it is our goal to exceed this design promise for each and every patient.
At NuLife Dental, the denture process always begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health and aesthetic needs.
Following this, our dentist prepares your gums for removable dentures or implant denture placement. We also take a custom mold of your mouth and rely on the latest technologies to ensure that this mold is accurate before your custom denture is created.
At NuLife Dental, we have a denture laboratory inside our Orlando, FL dental practice. This means our dentist can supervise the denture or partial denture creation process, and she always keeps close tabs throughout the custom creation, asking for or making adjustments as needed.
Additionally, we offer three different types of full dentures to fit every budget, dentures that may provide unique benefits that are important to you.
Apart from removable dentures, we also offer implant dentures, which are dentures affixed to your jaw with implants for support.
At Nulife Cosmetic Dentist Orlando our goal is to make a denture to that as natural as possible for each patient. Since we make all our dentures in office, we partner with each patient to customize their denture at our “Try in Step”. At this step, the denture teeth are set in wax so that each patient and doctor can work together to get the best look possible.
When answering a question like this the first thing you should consider is your quality of life. A new denture can help give you a smile that looks good and improve the ability to eat foods you may have had trouble with previously. Sometimes they even help to eliminate the need for things like an affordable root canal or a crown.
When extractions are needed your dentist may recommend replacing these necessary teeth in the form of a removal partial denture. From your very first visit and exam, your dentist will explain all the steps, giving you confidence that you have chosen the right dentist. From our professional office staff to each hygienist and from our dental assistants to our dentist we are staffed by an incredible team with great experience. Whether you need a conventional denture or a complete set of dental implants, our team of dental professionals will give you a beautiful smile.
Many times, your wisdom teeth simply act as “extra teeth”. They get used in the same way your other teeth do, but as you know, they can also cause issues in your smile, driving the need for extractions.
In fact, because they come in last and they come in whatever space they have available they don’t always come in straight. This can cause shifting of your teeth, problems with or pain in your jawbone, and growth in odd directions can even cause sore spots on your cheeks as you constantly bite them.
Having wisdom teeth doesn’t affect whether or not you are a candidate for affordable dentures. The great news is decisions about your wisdom teeth, happen on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes they just give your removable partial denture something to hang on to.
To get the most affordable Orlando dentures, it’s always best to make sure you hire the best dentist. Our Orlando dentists, use their education, experience, and expertise to provide a great experience for every dental procedure. Their experience allows them to provide you the best solution while still making them affordable dentures.
No matter what, we work to ensure your smile stays both happy and healthy.
Schedule your denture appointment today!
You typically should avoid:
A set of quality dentures can last up to 10 years, if they are very well maintained and you practice good oral hygiene. However, 10 years is a long time and let’s face it, life happens to everyone.
Normal wear and tear, accidents, like your dental appliance getting dropped, and sometimes dental injuries can happen causing issues with your dentures. There’s simply a lot that can happen in 10 years. All of these can lead to numerous issues for denture wearers.
The point is eventually, you will need to visit the dentist office to have it replaced. Below are a few telltale signs that you need may need to get new dentures.
When a denture doesn’t fit right it comes lose more often, even while properly using dental adhesives or creams.
While normal wear and tear on your denture can lead to a change in fit, other things may be the cause as well. For instance, elements of the patient’s mouth itself can cause a wrong fit.
Over time you may experience a loss of density in the soft tissues like your gum tissue or even in the jawbone itself. Bone loss in the jaw is possible both as we age (typically the lower jaw) and as a result of gum disease from poor oral hygiene. In the case of the latter, bone loss can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene.
Regardless of the circumstances, adjustments and replacement can provide a better fit.
Pain while biting or chewing is a problem. When you experience this issue, it’s time for a dental visit. This pain can cause or be caused by sores on the gums, gum ridges, or cheeks. Any type of swelling or discomfort during normal use, is a sign you may need a dentist.
Sores or your gums or on the oral tissues on the sides of your mouth, may be a response to changes in the way your denture fits. If you have a partial denture it may even cause issues with nearby teeth. If any irritation develops, visit the dental professionals at NuLife Dental and we will provide you the best experience and affordable care.
Repair is needed if the denture has been damaged in any way. Any form of chip or crack is never good news. A denture that has been severely fractured will typically require a new denture replacement.
If you are looking for an experienced Orlando dentures or partial dentures restoration dental office near you, contact our dental office at 407-614-6161. Our team strives to deliver personalized care tailored to your unique needs, starting with dental exams and cleanings, as well as fostering a comfortable and welcoming environment where your dental health is our top priority.
I am usually terribly at dentists, even making myself sick at the thought of the big dental works that is needed after I broke a 5teeth bridge. I was scared and apprehensive but thanks God for NU-LIFE. Everyone working there is top notch and they all go their way to make you comfortable and relax..every is explained clearly before, during and after the procedure but the best parts are the calming and unhurried ways they took care of me.I have my bridge completed today and I am super excited and happy ,needless to say that I am returning for more works and so my husband will also be joining NU-LIFE dental.the place is clean, coffee while you wait and the way I was treated ,,thanks to my dentist and the hygienists, I will see you next week. I loooove my bridge,.😁😁😁😁
Yes, your mouth is always changing, and it is often necessary to have adjustments made to the dentures to maintain the best fit possible. It is important to see your dentist at least once a year to make sure that the gums remain healthy and that any issues are caught early.
Yes! It is very important to make sure that your dentures are cleaned by brushing with a soft bristle tooth brush and soaking each day. This helps to remove any bacteria that might accumulate through eating and use.
It is also important to allow your mouth and gums to breathe, rest, and relax each day. These steps will make sure that the fit of your dentures remain as comfortable as possible and your mouth healthy.
Dentures or Full dentures replace a complete arch of the mouth (Top or Bottom), it replaces all teeth that are necessary to have a healthy, natural, functioning smile and bite.
A Partial Denture replaces one or more teeth but not all in one arch of the mouth (Top or Bottom). Partials usually use remaining natural teeth to provide a secure fit. Partial dentures replace all teeth that are necessary to have a healthy, natural, functioning smile and bite.
Modern dentures and partial dentures are designed to look natural and fit your mouth comfortably, and it is our goal to exceed this design promise for each and every patient.
At NuLife Dental, the denture process always begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health and aesthetic needs.
Following this, our dentist prepares your gums for removable dentures or implant denture placement. We also take a custom mold of your mouth and rely on the latest technologies to ensure that this mold is accurate before your custom denture is created.
At NuLife Dental, we have a denture laboratory inside our Orlando, FL dental practice. This means our dentist is able to supervise the denture or partial denture creation process, and she always keeps close tabs throughout the custom creation, asking for or making adjustments as needed.
Additionally, we offer three different types of full dentures to fit every budget, dentures that may provide unique benefits that are important to you.
Apart from removable dentures, we also offer implant dentures, which are dentures affixed to your jaw with small implant posts.
If you have questions about dentures or would like to schedule an appointment to begin the denture or partial denture process, contact our dental office today. At NuLife Dental, we provide the most natural-looking and comfortable dentures around!
At Nulife Cosmetic Dentist Orlando our goal is to make a denture to that as natural as possible for each patient. Since we make all our dentures in office, we partner with each patient to customize their denture at our “Try in Step”. At this step the denture teeth are set in wax so that each patient and doctor can work together to get the best look possible.